Latest news from Matthews and Leigh

Apprenticeship Success
2018 sees Matthews and Leigh Civil Engineering Ltd launch their Apprenticeship Awards.
The Apprenticeship programme is now in its third year and has already helped to qualify some 14 Apprentices, with another 12 still on various programmes. Apprenticeships are delivered in partnership with Preston’s College and, sister company, Matthews and Leigh Training Ltd.
The Awards recognise and reward the hard work Apprentices have demonstrated during their programme, with Apprentices receiving a substantial bonus for completing.
Apprentices from this cohort started early 2017. They have recently completed their Level 2 Apprenticeship in Construction Operations and have remained with the company to build long term careers as valued members of the team.
The achievement of this group from their positions before the Apprenticeship is a real testament to them and the programme – some long term unemployed and others in non-preferred or temporary positions.
The Apprenticeship was accessed via a 5-week pre-Apprenticeship programme, also supported by Preston’s College and the ESF Access to Employment and Moving On projects.
The Awards also aim to acknowledge and appreciate those who demonstrate exceptional commitment by awarding a ‘Star Apprentice Award’. The winner of this Award is chosen by Managers at the company with input from Preston’s College.
The ‘Star Apprentice Award 2018’ was awarded to Mark Rice.
Mark demonstrated amazing commitment to his Apprenticeship. Before the programme, Mark was unemployed for more than 6 months and had no experience in Construction. Mark completed all work to a high standard, showing extra commitment to getting all his work done. Throughout the programme, Mark faced some difficult individual situations and overcame these with some help and support from both Matthews and Leigh and his Tutor. Mark has grown to become an integral part of the team on site and we are all proud of his achievement.
Mark said ‘Thank you for the award, it means a lot. I haven’t won an award in years! Thank you to Karen, Keith and Will for all the help’.
In addition to the achievement bonus, Mark received an award and an additional bonus of £500, which he will be using to learn to drive. Another great decision!
Congratulations to Mark, and all Apprentices on their achievement. We are looking forward to working with you all long term!